Portable Pump 3HP
240v Portable Pump 3HP, VFD

Portable Pump 3HP

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Your Price: $3,150.00
240v Portable Pump 3HP, VFD
Part Number: PORT3
Availability: Built to order in 10-14 days Free Shipping.

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3Hp Portable Pump With Stainless steel sanitary pump housing. Complete with VFD and approximately 50 Feet of power cord.

208-240 Volts AC Input.
Single and Three Phase power options available.  
Single Phase Plug Type: L6-20
Three Phase Plug Type: L15-30

Pump Inlet = 2.0"
Pump Outlet = 1.5"

Comes with 2.0" x 1.5" reducer

Price includes LTL shipping in the US

It is advised to inspect & replace as necessary the parts included in our Y Pump Seal & Gasket Kit 
Instructions for maintenance can be found at this link